Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Legacy of Slavery Continues

They did it without any moral conscience for the human lives they were taking, destroying, raping, killing, torturing. There was no game plan when white America enslaved African Americans, and sought to deprive us of our rights. There was no game plan when our culture was taken from us, our dignity stomped out of us, our women and children raped, our civil rights leaders murdered. There was no game plan for what would happen if the people from s---hole countries were suddenly free. There was no game plan because all the cards were on the table. Any and everything America wanted to do to black people, they did. They lynched us and smiled about it.
When will the violence end? When will the destruction and looting stop? I don’t know, you tell me. When will America own up to over 400 years of injustice? When will we be finally free of the tyranny from racist police officers we face every day in our communities? You want peaceful protest? The day America decides to take its knee off the necks of black and brown Americans, and give us equal justice, is the day we won’t need to loot or burn down buildings to express anger and outrage. You say we’re in this together — then tell me, why the hell are we the only ones dying? 

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