Saturday, July 6, 2019

Military Parade Forgot Vets

"As we celebrate America's independence this 4th of July, with a great military parade, not so much as a dime was spent on homeless veterans." 

Although Sen. Maxine Waters recently introduced Bill HR 1856, Ending Homeless Act 2019, president Trump saw fit to spend millions in tax payers dollars on a military parade that didn't do anything to help the hundreds of thousands of veterans who are homeless across the country.

If the parade wasn't being used as a political pawn, the Trump administration might have been able to use the celebration in a more meanful way by offering made-in-America sponsorship opportunities as a means to help homeless vets, or a donation hotline such as 1(800) USA-VETS.

It could have been a win-win across party lines. Showcasing not only America's strength--but truly the spirit of our nation.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Kardashian: Sex Trends & Black Men

The Kardashian's brand of promiscuity has contributed to their sensationalism, and prominence in mainstream America. However, the Kardashians are not only exploiting their own sexuality, but black men and black culture too.
"Kardashians have amassed great fame and fortune. Despite having no real talent, their ability to appropriate black culture into their family-brand has undoubtedly been a great factor in helping them overcome any and all prerequisites for stardom, and success with an estimated wealth at a Billion."
The hall-mark to their success is due in part to the infamous Kim Kardashian and Ray J sex tape that was leaked and sold to Vivid Entertainment for an estimated $1 million.

By William J. Booker
Their attraction and sexual appetite for wealthy and influential black men has fueled their seductive persona world-wide, and has subsequently created an uncanny trend of sorts among women who aren't black, but who now claim to date black men exclusively. Non African-American women are following the Kardashian blueprint for success, but whether it has any merit beyond the sexual objectification of women is left to be seen.

The irony is that the popularity of black men in reality TV franchises like the Kardashians, Love and Hip Hop and Basketball Wives, has had some impact in galvanizing Millennials who side with black men and minorities against President Trump's racists policies and Tweets condemning immigrants, and black athletes who silently protest at NFL games. Black men are truly at the pinnacle of a new world order. The question is, at what cost? NIKE, now in the spot-light for upholding the merits of social justice, has proven that you can be profit-wise and have a corporate moral, ethical and social responsibility at the same time.

Many people applaud Kim Kardashian-West for using her celebrity to get President Trump to commute Alice Marie Johnson's life sentence. Though her talent is not that of a great negotiator, she used her fame and the power of her brand to accomplish something that many people had been trying unsuccessfully to do for years. It was a win-win for her multimillion dollar brand, President Trump, Alice Marie Johnson, and everyone who supported her release from prison. The simple truth is, Kardashians have always loved sex, black culture and black men. It's what made Kim Kardashian-West and her family rich and famous.