Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Secrets, Lies & Deception

It's clear to most Americans that the Trump Administration fully supports the agenda of white nationalists, however it's more important to understand how every advancement ​that ​this country has made ​towards denouncing racial ​inequality, bigotry and discrimination has endured.

​The Emancipation Proclamation in 1​863, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, Affirmative action in 1961​, ​the Civil Rights Act of 1968​, and the first Black President​; all mark the successful path and struggles African Americans have made and continue to make in the fight for racial equality.

T​his country is undoubtedly moving in the right direction, and trying to heal from the horrible past of slavery, ​despite the best efforts of white supremacist. Public monuments to the Confederacy are symbolism's that ​perpetuates bigotry, racial intolerance and hate;​​ ​which have become painful reminders to Black people of what their ancestors had to endure, and why many African Americans are still ​today ​trying to overcome over 400 years of oppression.

It also ​explains​ why President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions are pursuing a case of reverse discrimination ​for white students at Universities across the country. The fight for white privilege in this country is strong---but ​the battle ​is ​soon to be lost even with the President's support.  

"What ​the media has failed to report, is what ​the KKK, White Supremacist and other hate groups are really afraid of​ ​next; which is ​reparations​ to African-Americans​ for human rights violations including public lynching, rape and other atrocities towards enslaved victims of the Transatlantic Slave Trade."   

Donald Trump and the Neo-Nazi 'alt-right' knows the case for reparations is the only thing of significance left on the table in the ongoing conversation about reconciliation for slavery; and there's nothing he or his racists cohorts can do to stop this country from acknowledging its horrible past and moving forward to atone for over a century of enslavement, persecution, domestic terrorism and racial inequality for people of African descent.          

In fact, Trump actually ​alluded to it when ran to be President, when he stated that if he won the election "African​ ​Americans would love him more than President Obama". A wise man once said, be careful of your foot...it may find your mouth. 

For information about reparations visit: https://www.facebook.com/ReparationsReportCenter

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